Turtles of the World

Атлас черепах, в 5 томах, охватывающий виды всего мира. Кроме того, что этот атлас богато иллюстрирован фотографиями (подробные характеристиками панциря и пластрона, спаривания, откладки яиц, показаны некоторые естественные места обитания) и картами ареалами, под каждым описанием имеется информация индивидуальных требований содержания, на основе символов. Систематика приведена на момент выхода книги.

Turtles of the World


Turtles of the World. Volume 1: Africa, Europe and Western Asia (Edition: 2) by Holger Vetter // Edition Chimaira, 2011. 152 pages

The second edition of this volume of "Terralog" portrays all valid taxa of chelonians inhabiting Africa, Europe and western Asia. It ranges from the widely popular representatives of the genus Testudo, via marine and freshwater turtles, to the colourful tortoises of Africa. Aside from a representative photographic portrayal of every species, this volume also provides photographs detailing characteristics of carapace and plastron, mating, oviposition, hatching, and of course shows a selection of natural habitats, added to which are 61 full-colour distribution maps. Each photographic account is complemented by a symbol-based descriptive summary of the individual husbandry requirements of the respective species in human care. Containing 590 full-colour photographs (of which 370 are new as compared to the first edition) this volume is a unique photographic reference for both the scientist and terrarium enthusiast and at the same time a fascinating synopsis that makes every reader aware of the beauty of chelonians.

Turtles of the World. Volume 2: North America by Holger Vetter // Edition Chimaira, 2004. 128 pages

Presents a fascinating insight into the amazing diversity of North American turtles and tortoises with 500 colour photos of their habitat, sexual dimorphism, peculiarities of the carapace and plastron, mating, oviposition, hatching, and juveniles. Descriptive symbols of their captive needs appear for each species and colour distribution maps for all species are presented for the first time.

Turtles of the World. Volume 3: Central and South America by Holger Vetter // Edition Chimaira, 2005. 127 pages

Central and South American turtles - including the impressive Galapagos tortoises as well as the various genera of the family Chelidae - are covered in this third volume. It serves as supplement to volume two by presenting the remaining members of the genera Chelydra, Kinosternon, Rhinoclemmys, Terrapene, and Trachemys. Where possible, more than one individual is shown, as well as photos of their habitat, sexual dimorphism, peculiarities of the carapace and plastron, mating, oviposition, hatching, and juveniles.Descriptive symbols of their captive needs appear for each species.

Turtles of the World. Volume 4: East and South Asia by Holger Vetter and Peter Paul van Dijk // Edition Chimaira, 2006. 160 pages

East and South Asia is a portrayal of the chelonians of East and South Asia. Most members of the families Geomydidae and Trionychidae inhabit the geographic range covered in this book – from Pakistan to Japan and from Russia to Indonesia. The diversity of the South and East Asian chelonian fauna is even more enriched by numerous forms that have meanwhile been identified as hybrids. A great many of these forms are portrayed in a separate chapter.

Turtles of the World. Volume 5: Australia and Oceania by Holger Vetter // Edition Chimaira, 2018. 144 pages

Turtles of the World, Volume 5: Australia and Oceania is a portrayal of the chelonians of Australia and Oceania and is the final volume in this series. The geographic range covered in this book includes Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Australia and New Guinea are home to numerous species of the genus Chelodina (widely known as snake-necked turtles), but also to unique species such as the Pig-nosed Turtle or the Mary River Turtle. With a total of 400 colour photographs and colour distribution maps for all species, this volume of Terralog is a unique reference for everyone – from the hobbyist to the scientist. This makes it a fascinating photographic overview of the amazing diversity of Australian and Oceanian turtles.


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