Field Guide to Reptiles of Oman and New Zealand

В сети появились новые определители по герпетофауне. А раз они посвящены земноводным и пресмыкающимся, то им самое место на нашем сайте. Ну и что, что это не Поволжье? Один из определителей по рептилиям встречающихся на территории Омана (государство на Аравийском полуострове), а второй по амфибиям и рептилиям Новой Зеландии, куда мечтает попасть каждый герпетолог.

A Field Guide to the Reptiles of Oman
Salvador Carranza, Johannes Els & Bernat Burriel-Carranza // Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2021. 223 p.

Detailed information for each of the 111 species of Oman reptiles, which include their identification, distribution, and natural history. Includes 104 illustrations and 350 photographs that will help the reader quickly identify key characters of each species. 130 Distribution maps showing an updated and precise distribution of each species and of the main taxonomic groups of Oman reptiles. Easy to follow keys will allow the identification up to the genus level and up to species level in some cases.

A Field Guide to the Reptiles of Oman

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Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand: A Field Guide
Dylan van Winkel, Marleen Baling and Rod Hitchmough // Auckland University Press, 2018. 376 р.

Illustrated with extraordinary new photography, this is the definitive field guide to all of New Zealand’s tuatara, geckos, skinks, frogs, marine turtles and marine snakes. Expert and up-to-date information on all 123 species of reptiles and amphibians in New Zealand. More than 400 new photographs. Range maps for every species. Introduction to evolution, conservation, observing and collecting, ecosystems and geographic history. Authoritative text on every species, including names, description, distribution, variation and similar species, habitat and natural history. Identification keys for each of the major groups. Regional checklist and a handy quick guide on the inside flaps.

Reptiles and Amphibians of New Zealand: A Field Guide

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