Категория: Сибирский углозуб Salamandrella keyserlingii
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E. I. Vorobyeva and J. R. Hinchliffe //Russian Journal of Herpetology Vol. 3, No. 1, 1996, pp. 68 – 81
In this paper, we consider the pattern of skeletal development and morphology in the limbs of the hynobiid species, Salamandrella keyserlingii, with the overall aim of analyzing tetrapod limb evolution in context of the phylogeny. In comparison with anurans the urodeles demonstrate caenogenetic adaptation in distal structures of the limbs. As the most primitive family of Caudata hynobiids are of special interest since a study of early stages is likely to display some plesiomorphic features. In common with other larval salamanders Salamandrella has early development of digits 1 + 2. However, in contrast to them this species displays a number of distinctive characters, including larval adaptations and features which can be considered as phylogenetically primitive for caudates and sometimes for uniseriate sarcopterygians in general. The main peculiarities of Salamandrella can been summarized as follows:
1) early formation of the mesenchyme mass between the zeugopod bifurcation as the base for the proxi-
modistal differentiation of preaxial, median and postaxial columns;
2) initial connection of the median column with postaxial one in the region of intermedium condensation;
3) early formation of the intermedium condensation in close contact with ulnar / fibular condensation;
4) dominance of the posterior or postaxial branch (ulnarefibulare) in the early limb development;
5) comparatively late formation of the basale commune which arises primarily as a small distal 2 condensation at the base of the digit 2 and later fuses with distal 1 condensation;
6) fusion of the skeletal elements in longitudinal rather than in transverse direction; usually amalgamation of the median elements with postaxial than with preaxial ones;
7) frequent (in 75%) amalgamation of the intermedium with ulnare;
8) presence of two central elements in the standard morphology;
9) presence of a well developed, long temporary epidermal fin between first and second digits used in balance and locomotion of the larvae. This is caenogenetic adaptation.
The comparison of Salamandrella with other caudates and some fossil sarcopterygians led us to conclusion that many developmental pattern of its limb (1 – 4) can been considered as an ancestral features. It may be supposed that such characters of urodeles as the precocious appearance of anterior digits and basale commune, the gap between them and proximal (zeugopod / stylopod) portion, distal-to-proximal sequence in development of carpal and tarsal elements have a secondary character, probably correlated with their caenogenetic adaptations, and do not support the hypothesis of the polyphyly of tetrapods.
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V. N. Kuranova, S. V. Saveliev //Herpetologia Bonnensis II. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. pp. 73-76 (2006)

Females of Salamandrella keyserlingii  with deposited or fertilized eggs from the previous year spawn in the end of April- beginning of May. In females that have not spawned in spring maturing eggs are found in the oviduct by the end of May and copulation takes place in the beginning of July. It seems that both variants of breeding cycle exist side by side. If females could not get spermatozoids during summer then eggs are reserved for the next breeding season.

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Poyarkov N. A. and Kuzmin S. L. // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 8, pp. 948–958.

Differentiation of geographical populations of the Siberian newt Salamandrella keyserlingii throughout the species range was analyzed using a fragment of the cytochrome b gene. The population of the Primorye region (Russian Far East) is separated to the greatest extent; the Japanese and South Kuril populations are the next most separate. These populations are possibly subspecies. Geographical differentiation of populations in the Siberian part of the species range is lower, lacks a clinal variation, and is irregular. The molecular variation of S. keyserlingii supports the hypothesis that several primary vicarious refugia of pre-Pleistocene differentiation of a common ancestor of  Salamandrella occurred in the southeastern part of its current distribution range and that northern and western regions were gradually colonized via repeated steps of expansion and retreat in the Siberian part of the modern species range.

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Masato Hasumi, Tsagaan Hongorzul and Khayanhirvaa Terbish // Copeia 2009, No. 1, 46–49
We determined the use of refugia by salamanders during daytime in summer and characteristics of these refugia in Salamandrella keyserlingii at Shaamar, Mongolia. Refugia were located at mean distance of 4.17 m from the edge of the water. Among these refugia, blind tunnels within grasslands (mean distance = 7.50 m) were farther apart than open burrows distributed along a steep slope of a pond-shore (2.49 m). Subterranean burrows having mean depth of 15.4 cm were utilized temporarily (individuals captured only once) with proportional habitat use of 0.704 (19/27 refugia). Mean temperature was lower in burrows/under logs (16.22ºC) than in ambient air (26.70ºC) or among grasslands (25.10ºC). Mean relative humidity was higher in burrows/under logs (85.54%) or among grasslands (75.53%) than in ambient air (48.33%). Mean illumination intensity was 27.0 lx in burrows/under logs and 17,188.1 lx on the surface out of refugia. Mean soil pH was 7.52 beneath salamanders in refugia.
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