Категория: Тритоны Lissotriton vulgaris и Triturus cristatus
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S. N. Litvinchuk, A. M. Rudyk and L. J. Borkin // Russian Journal of Herpetology Vol. 3, No. 1, 1996, pp. 39 – 48

The reliable data on paedomorphosis in two subspecies of the common newt Triturus vulgaris lantzi (Abkhazia, western Caucasus) and T. v. vulgaris (the vicinity of St. Petersburg) are given for the first time for the former Soviet Union. Data on the appearance, occurrence, development and distribution of paedomorphic larvae are given based on field and laboratory observations beginning in 1986. The life cycles of paedomorphic and metamorphosed newts are discussed.

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Robert Jehle, Pieter Bouma, Marc Sztatecsny & J.W. Arntzen //Hydrobiologia 437: 149–155, 2000.

We studied spatial niche metrics of large-bodied newts (Triturus cristatus and T. marmoratus) in three breeding ponds in western France. Adults and larvae were sampled with underwater funnel traps. Larvae were identified to the species with diagnostic microsatellite DNA markers. The distribution of adult T. cristatus and T. marmoratus across pond regions differed in one out of six cases, no differences were observed between larvae (two ponds studied). Niche overlap and niche breadth indices across resource states defined as pond regions or individual traps were high (Schoener’s C: pond regions 0.60–0.98, traps 0.35–0.71; Levins’ B: pond regions 0.71–0.98, traps 0.35–0.76). Adults of large-bodied newts significantly differed in resource use from small-bodied newts (T. helveticus). The results are discussed in view of the occurrence of interspecific breeding attempts, and the unpredictable ecological characteristics of newt breeding ponds.

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Robert Jehle, Marc Sztatecsny, Jochen B. W. Wolf, April Whitlock, Walter Hodl and Terry Burke // Biol Lett. 2007 October 22; 3(5): 526–528.

Under sperm competition, paternity is apportioned by polyandrous females according to the order of matings and the genetic quality of the inseminating males. In order to distinguish between these two effects, we sequentially paired 12 female smooth newts (Lissotriton vulgaris) with each of two males and, where possible, repeated the same procedure in reverse order of the identical males after assumed sperm depletion. For a total of 578 offspring, amplified fragment length polymorphisms genetic markers revealed multiple paternities in all matings, without significant first- or second-male sperm precedence. The paternity share of individual males was transitive across the two trials with male order switch, and successful males had a significantly higher genetic dissimilarity to the female than expected by chance. We argue that patterns of paternity in natural newt populations are determined through a combination of goodgenes and relatedness.

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R. Jehle, J. W. Arntzen,T. Burke, A. P. Krupa and W. Hold // Molecular Ecology (2001) 10, 839–850

Pond-breeding amphibians are deme-structured organisms with a population genetic structure particularly susceptible to demographic threats. We estimated the effective number of breeding adults (Nb) and the effective population size (Ne) of the European urodele amphibians Triturus cristatus (the crested newt) and T. marmoratus (the marbled newt), using temporal shifts in microsatellite allele frequencies. Eight microsatellite loci isolated from a T. cristatus library were used, five of which proved polymorphic in T. marmoratus, albeit with high frequencies of null alleles at two loci. Three ponds in western France were sampled, situated 4–10 kilometres apart and inhabited by both species. Parent–offspring cohort comparisons were used to measure Nb; samples collected at time intervals of nine or 12 years, respectively, were used to measure Ne. The adult population census size (N) was determined by mark–recapture techniques. With one exception, genetic distances (FST) between temporal samples were lower than among populations. Nb ranged between 10.6 and 101.8 individuals, Ne ranged between 9.6 and 13.4 individuals. For the pond where both parameters were available, Nb / N(overall range: 0.10–0.19) was marginally larger than Ne/N (overall range: 0.09–0.16), which is reflected in the temporal stability of N. In line with the observed differences in reproductive life-histories between the species, Nb/N ratios for newts were about one order of magnitude higher than for the anuran amphibian Bufo bufo. Despite of the colonization of the study area by T. cristatus only some decades ago, no significant genetic bottleneck could be detected. Our findings give rise to concerns about the long-term demographic viability of amphibian populations in situations typical forEuropean landscapes.

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McLee A. G. and R. W.Scaife // British Herpetological Society Bulletin, No. 42, (1992/93): 6 - 9
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Kuzmin S.L. // Rana, Sonderheft 4 (2001): 5 - 22

Review of data on the state of Triturus cristatus populations in the former Soviet Union is presented. In large areas the newt is a common amphibian. These are the regions of leafed and mixed forests in the south-western part of the area of occupancy in the former USSR. The overall abundance decreases in the zones of forest steppe and steppe as well as the taiga in the north. The areas, from where declines were documented, comprise less than a half of the total area of the species occupancy. Majority of the declines and extinctions concern the landscapes disturbed by anthropogenic activity: destruction, pollution, the shallowing and eutrophication of the ponds, drainage and pollution of water bodies, melioration of meadows, destruction of forests, construction of dams on large rivers and the introduction of the exotic fish Perccottus glehni. In general, T. cristatus in the former Soviet Union deserves conservation in many regions where it is rare and/or threatened species. The measures for protection should include, first of all, conservation of the habitats from destruction, pollution and introductions of exotic fish. However, the general situation with this newt on the territory seems not to be alarming and the species seems not to be threatened there in general. This part of the range composes about a half of the total range of the species. Thus, T. cristatus at present does not meet the requirements for the inclusion in the IUCN Red List and should be protected only at various regional levels.

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Klaus-Detlef Kühnel, Andreas Krone & Angele Schonert // RANA Sonderheft 4(2001): 211 - 223
Half of the 32 Triturus cristatus populations in Berlin are located within  the urban area. By means of three populations habitat use, development of population structure and measures to preserve migration are explained. Since 1978 the individuals of 17 populations were investigated using drift fences. Eight populations with more than 100 individuals were found. The largest population has 1535 adult individuals. Triturus cristatus is mostly associated with Triturus vulgaris and Rana kl. esculenta. Total lengths were measured from 1496 adult Triturus cristatus. Female Triturus cristatus become larger than males. The maximum length for males amounts to 156 mm and  for  females  to 168 mm.
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J. W. Arntzen , Graham P. Wallis // Contributions to Zoology  68 (3) 1999 : 181 – 203
Within the newt genus Triturus, the large-bodied species in the T. cristatus (crested newt) superspecies show an unusual degree of variation in relative trunk length as a result of among-taxon variation in interlimb vertebral count. Here we examine the systematic value of this feature as assessed by both exterior measurement (Wolterstorff Index) and direct radiographic count of rib-bearing vertebrae, with particular reference to a number of confounding factors (sex differences, hybridisation, geographic variation, allometry, preservation effects). Using our mtDNA haplotype data, which are largely concordant with geographic distribution of species, we find that direct count of the rib-bearing vertebrae performs more reliably (14% misclassification) than external measurement (31% misclassification) as a species identifier. We therefore recommend this feature as a taxonomic tool, although (like external measurement) it breaks down near hybrid zones. To account for the observed biogeographical pattern and phenotype - genotype discrepancies, a scenario is presented that combines the movement of the contact zone between taxa with asymmetric hybridisation. This scenario applies to species interactions in eastern Yugoslavia and western France.
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Václav Gvoždík, Veronika Javůrková, Oldřich Kopecký // Acta Herpetologica 8(1): 53-57, 2013

Facultative paedomorphosis is an environmentally induced polymorphism that is well known for many caudate species including newts. Although facultative paedomorphosis has been documented in some smooth-newt populations, records of entirely paedomorphic populations outside the Balkans are limited. Here we present the first evidence of a paedomorphic population of the smooth newt in the Czech Republic with discussion of potential causes that need to be further tested.

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E. G. Brede, R. S. Thorpe, J. W. Arntzen and T. E. S. Langton // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (2000), 70: 685–695.
The crested or great crested newt (Triturus cristatus spp) is declining and now considered threatened in many of the countries where it is present. This has resulted in the four members of the superspecies being afforded protection under local, national and international law. This study looks at a possible threat to T. cristatus in southern England through hybridization, by the introduction of a related alien species (T. carnifex). The study used multivariate morphometrics to discriminate closely related species, and their hybrids. The character set involved both continuous and meristic data, collected through body measurements and colour pattern. The identification of the species and/or hybrids at the introduction site and surrounding areas was mapped. From the results it can be inferred that hybridization has taken place at the introduction site, but there is no morphological evidence for the spread of hybrids/aliens in to the surrounding areas.
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Daniel H. Gustafson, Jan С Malmgren & Grzegorz Mikusiriski // Ann. Zool. Fennici 48 (2011): 295-307
This study examines the structure and composition of landscapes surrounding ponds with and without great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) — a species that needs an aquatic and a terrestrial environment. We related presence and absence data to 31 local and landscape variables, in a total of 143 areas in south-central Sweden. Land-use variables were measured within the radii of 100 m (local scale) and 500 m (landscape scale) surrounding the ponds. To find drivers of the distribution of great crested newts we used a principal component analysis (PCA) and a logistic regression analysis. Higher amounts of deciduous forest and pasture, together with proximity to deciduous forest seem to be positive for presence of great crested newts. Coniferous forest and mire appear to have a negative effect on the habitat quality for the species. We argue that management of the great crested newt should to a greater extent include the terrestrial habitat. Special attention should also be given to identifying and securing older, deciduous-rich forest in the vicinity of breeding ponds.
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Daniel H. Gustafson, Astrid S. L. Andersen, Grzegorz Mikusinski, and Jan C. Malmgren // Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 300–310, 2009
We used principal component analysis and logistic regression to evaluate the effect of 11 pond water quality variables on the presence and absence of Great Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus) in a cluster of 29 ponds in south-central Sweden. Variables of importance for the patterns observed were comprised into four principal components. Using logistic regression analysis and Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC) we found that the best model explaining the distribution of Great Crested Newts included three of the principal components. Temperature and nutrient levels (nitrogen and phosphorus) were important in distinguishing between ponds with and without Great Crested Newts, whereas other physical variables were less important. Ponds with newts had higher temperatures and nutrient levels than ponds where the species was absent. Our results also suggest that the Great Crested Newt selects ponds with low nutrient levels for breeding, whereas they may be present in ponds with higher nutrient levels. Although this study was performed in a single area with a limited sample the results raise several issues of general importance for the management and conservation of Great Crested Newts in pond landscapes.
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Daniel H Gustafson, Cecilia Journath Pettersson, Jan C. Malmgren // The Herpetological Journal, Volume 16, Number 4, October 2006 , pp. 347-352

In a field study in south central Sweden, we analysed the diversity of macrophytes in paired samples of ponds in a total of five geographically separated sites. Each pair of ponds involved one pond with presence of great crested newts (Triturus cristatus) and one pond in which newts were absent. Ponds with presence of great crested newts had a significantly higher mean number of plant species than ponds without newts. Newts occurred in ponds that tended to have a lower amount of pond area covered by surface vegetation, although this difference was not statistically significant. Macrophyte diversity also tended to increase more steeply in ponds with T. cristatus, compared with ponds without newts. Broad-leaved pond weed (Potamogeton natans) and square-leaved liverwort (Chiloscyphus pallescens) were among the plants that were most associated with presence of great crested newts. Plant diversity had a slightly more nested structure for ponds with great crested newts than for those without, which indicates a more homogeneous plant species assemblage in the former group of ponds. Overall, the results indicate that the great crested newt may be a reliable and useful indicator species for high plant species richness in ponds and small wetlands, which may be valuable for environmental monitoring and conservation in pond landscapes.

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D.C. Deeming // The Herpetological Journal, Volume 18, Number 3, July 2008 , pp. 171-174

This study examined the hypothesis that numbers of newts captured were correlated with the phase of the moon. During the spring of 2008 smooth newts and great crested newts were captured in bottle traps laid in two ponds at Riseholme Park, University of Lincoln, UK. Highest rates of capture for smooth newts were either side of the new moon but for great crested newts the highest rate was immediately before the new moon. Identification of individuals showed that during the observation period smooth newts regularly moved between aquatic and terrestrial habitats, but great crested newts appeared to leave ponds and did not return. This is the first report that numbers of newts captured are affected by the lunar cycle. Activity during the darkest nights may limit the risk of predation as individuals leave breeding ponds to forage on land or to move between ponds. These results have implications for surveys of newt breeding sites because lack of individual identification and trapping events at the wrong time of the month can both seriously undermine estimates of population sizes.

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Benedetto Lanza and Bruno Campolmi //Symposium on the evolution of terresial vertebrates. Mucchi, Modena, 1991. pp. 523 - 530

Data on the body size in the superspecies Triturus cristatus. The greatest total length so far known is 209 mm, reached in captivity by a female of Triturus carnifex from Florenca (Italy).

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