Категория: Тритоны Lissotriton vulgaris и Triturus cristatus
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Ручин А.Б. // Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных и естественных наук. № 4-1 / 2015. 

Изучен трофический спектр обыкновенного тритона в водную фазу его жизни. В нем выявлены беспозвоночные трех типов (кольчатые черви, моллюски и членистоногие). Более 90% спектра представлена ракообразными. В этой связи длина и масса потребляемых жертв довольно малы. Выявлены различия в трофических спектрах обыкновенного и гребенчатого тритонов при совместном обитании в водоеме.

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Ручин А.Б. // Герпетологические исследования в Казахстане и сопредельных странах. Сб. науч. статей. Алматы, 2010. С. 166 - 173
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Пястолова О.А., Тархнишвили Д.Н. // Животные в условиях антропогенного ландшафта. Сб. науч. трудов. Екатеринбург, УрО РАН. 1992. с. 107 - 112
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Островских С.В., Плотников Г.К., Хасанов И.А. // Актуальные вопросы экологии и охраны природы экосистем южных регионов России и сопредельных территорий. Материалы XVI межреспубликанской научно-практической конференции. Краснодар, 25 апреля 2003 г.

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Морозов-Леонов С. Ю., Межжерин С. В., Куртяк Ф. Ф. // Vestnik zoologii, 37(2): 88-91, 2003

Анализ генетической структуры особей из зоны парапатрии гребенчатого (Triturus cristatus laurenti, 1768) и дунайского (T. dobrogicus kiritzescu, 1903) тритонов однозначно подтвердил факт гибридизации этих видов. В выборке из водоемов западных окр. г. Ужгорода обнаружено 8 неполовозрелых гребенчатых тритонов и одна половозрелая самка, являющаяся гибридом, что подтверждено гетерозиготными генотипами по диагностическим локусам Es-1 и Ме-1

The analysis of the specimens genetic structure from the parapatry zone between the crested  Triturus cristatus  Laurenti, 1768 and Danube  Triturus dobrogicus Kiritzescu, 1903 newts has unambiguously confirmed the fact of these species hybridisation. In the sample from the western Uzhgorod body-waters have been find 8 juvenile crested newts and 1 adult female who was an hybrid. This was been confirmed by their heterozygous genotypes on the diagnostic loci Es-1 and  Me-1.

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Козлов А. // Аквариум, 1993. №2. С. 50-51
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Иванов А.А. // Зоологические исследования в регионах России и на сопредельных территориях. Материалы Межд. науч. конф., Саранск, 2010. С. 271 - 273
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Наша флора и фауна, №69, 2014

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Воронов  Л.Н.,  Владимирова  Е.В.,  Владимирова  Т.Г. // Актуальные  проблемы  естествознания: Материалы  Всероссийской  научно-практической конференции / Под. ред.  Л.Н.Воронова,  Н.В.  Хураськиной,  А.А.  Шуканова. -  Чебоксары: Чувашгоспедуниверситет им. И.Я.Яковлева, 2006. - С. 79-81.
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W. Babik, J. M. Szymura and J .  Rafinski // Molecular Ecology, Volume 12, Number 7, July 2003 , pp. 1913-1930(18)

The smooth and the Montandon's newts (Triturus vulgaris and T. montandoni) are genetically similar sister species with highly divergent male secondary sexual traits involved in complex courtship behaviour. Their parapatric ranges overlap at moderate elevations in the Carpathian Mountains where they hybridize readily. Here we present a detailed study of genetic and morphological variation in populations from the area of sympatry. Analysis of variation at seven nuclear markers, mtDNA and male sexual secondary traits was complemented with an ecological survey of breeding sites characteristics. Extensive hybridization was revealed with back-cross individuals similar to either parental species predominating among hybrids. The hybrid zone exhibited a mosaic pattern: the genetic composition of the populations was correlated only weakly with their geographical position. No association with habitat type was found. Departures from Hardy–Weinberg proportions, significant linkage disequilibria and bimodal distribution of genotypes suggest strongly that assortative mating is an important factor shaping the genetic composition of hybrid populations. The pattern of cytonuclear disequilibria did not indicate much asymmetry in interspecific matings. Changes in the frequency of nuclear markers were highly concordant, whereas mtDNA showed much wider bidirectional introgression with 14% excess of T. montandoni haplotype. We argue that the mosaic structure of the newt hybrid zone results mainly from stochastic processes related to extinction and recolonization. Microgeographical differences in mtDNA introgression are explained by historical range shifts. Since morphologically intermediate males were underrepresented when compared to hybrid males identified by genetic markers, sexual selection acting against the morphological intermediates is implied. We discuss the implications of these findings in the context of reinforcement of prezygotic isolation in newts.

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W. Babik and J. Rafinski // J. Zool., Lond. (2004) 262, 135–143

The variation in 10 morphometric characters and the degree of sexual dimorphism in size and shape was studied in pure and hybrid populations of smooth Triturus vulgaris and Montandon’s T. montandoni newts. Multivariate analyses showed pronounced interspecific differences in both sexes. Females differed mainly in traits related to general size, whereas males differed mainly in body proportions. Triturus vulgaris males possessed a relatively longer trunk and tail. Sexual size dimorphismwasmuch stronger in T. montandoni,thefemalesbeingthelarger sex. In hybrid zone populations a general correlation between morphometric traits and nuclear genotypes was found. This does not, however, fully explain the variation in size and shape.Whereas the majority of genetically identified hybrids fell into the range of morphologically pure species, many genetically pure individuals were classified as morphometric intermediates. The linear relationship between the morphometric and genetic variation suggested no strong differential selection on the molecular markers and loci responsible for morphometric differences between species. The differences in the level of sexual size and shape dimorphism, however, suggest that females of both species show dissimilar mate preferences, and thus hybrid males may experience reduced fitness resulting from lower mating success.

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Szilárd Nemes // North-Western Journal of Zoology, 2005, Vol.1, pp. 61-63
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Dmitry V. Skorinov, Valentina N. Kuranova, Leo J. Borkin and Spartak N. Litvinchuk // Russian Journal of Herpetology. Vol. 15, No. 2, 2008, pp. 157 – 165.

In Siberia, Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758) was recorded in nine provinces of Russia (81 localities). The northern border of geographic range passes the taiga zone in Tyumen’ and Tomsk Oblast’s, as well as Krasnoyarsk Kray. The southern range limit, as a rule, coincides with the border between the forest-steppe and steppe zones in Kurgan, Omsk, and Novosibirsk Oblast’s, as well as Altayskiy Kray. In Kazakhstan, the species was recorded in 3 isolated localities only. The conservation status of L. vulgaris in Siberia is discussed.

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Severus-Daniel Covaciu-Marcov, Alfred-Ştefan Cicort-Lucaciu // North-Western Journal of Zoology Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007. 53 - 57

A paedomorphic female of Lissotriton vulgaris was found, for the first time in western Romania, near Prunişor village, in Arad county. The appearance of paedomorphosis is probably accidental, being caused by the warm winter and abundant precipitations from the previous year, which maintained a constant level of water in the habitat and prevented its freezing.

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Severus D. Covaciu-Marcov,  Alfred S. Cicort-Lucaciu, Ion Mitrea, Istvan Sas, Aurel V. Caus and Diana Cupsa // North-Western Journal of Zoology, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2010, pp.95-108
The feeding of three newt species from western Romania is different in the aquatic period regarding both the composition and the time needed. Thus, Mesotriton alpestris spends shorter time in the water compared to Triturus cristatus and Lissotriton vulgaris, having the weakest feeding habit in this environment. This is probably a consequence of its relationship with mountainous and harsher climate areas that shortens its aquatic environment period, which also affects the species in a lower altitude habitat. The difference in the food of the three species results from their different sizes and hunting territories. L. vulgaris mainly hunts near puddle banks, in areas with lower and warmer water and the other two species hunt near the bottom, in the deeper areas. The crested newts have the longest aquatic period and the highest affiliation for hunting in this habitat. This species consumes larger sized preys while the common newts consume numerous reduced sized preys, having an intensive feeding and high food diversity. Meanwhile, differences between the food ingested by male and female individuals are not significant in  any newt  species.
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