Категория: Зеленая жаба Bufotes viridis
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Наша флора и фауна № 58 2014

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Желев Ж.М. // Современные зоологические исследования в России и сопредельных странах: материалы 1 Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 75-летию со дня рождения М.А. Козлова. Чебоксары, "Новое время", 2011. С. 83 - 87
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Желев Ж.М. // Современные зоологические исследования в России и сопредельных странах: материалы 1 Международной научно-практической конференции, посвященной 75-летию со дня рождения М.А. Козлова. Чебоксары, "Новое время", 2011. С. 87 - 92
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Бородин П.Л. // Труды Мордовского государственного природного заповедника имени П. Г. Смидовича. Вып. 17. Саранск; Пушта, 2016. С. 35 - 43

Приводятся сведения о распространении, численности зеленой жабы и соотношениях с близким видом – жабой серой; расширении трофического спектра включением объектов сельскохозяйственного происхождения, в т.ч. как уход от конкурентных отношений с другими видами, объясняется возможная причина ее исчезновения.

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Боркин Л.Я., Литвинчук С.Н., Мазепа Г.А., Пасынкова Р.А., Розанов Ю.М., Скоринов Д.В. // Отчётная научная сессия [ЗИН РАН] по итогам работ 2011 г. 3-5 апреля 2012 г. СПб.: ЗИН РАН, 2012. С. 10-12.
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Malcolm S. Gordon // J. Exp. Biol. (1962), 39, 261 - 270
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Joy Hoffman // The Herpetological Journal, Volume 16, Number 1, January 2006 , pp. 47-53

Many species of terrestrial amphibians can absorb water by pressing a highly vascularised region of the ventral abdominal skin against a moist surface. The degree of dehydration needed in order to evoke this response varies from species to species, suggesting that they make different use of the opportunity to use surface water for hydration. Most of the species that have been studied are each confined to a fairly narrow ecological niche, and the differences in their responses make sense in the light of their natural history. Consequently, it was of interest to compare populations of a single species living in different regions to see whether differences in the response to the presence of moisture are characteristics of the species or are related to local conditions. The steep north-south gradient of increasing aridity in Israel and the presence of populations of the toad Bufo viridis throughout the country provided an opportunity to make such a comparison. The frequency of this water seeking response (WR) in fully hydrated toads and the sensitivity of WR to raised plasma osmolality were determined in laboratory-acclimated samples collected from three sites in Israel, one from north-west Italy and one from Kyrgyzstan. These sites differed in altitude and climatic characteristics (mean annual temperature and total annual rainfall). A negative correlation was found between the frequency of WR and the annual rainfall at the sites where samples were collected, suggesting that WR is not a fixed characteristic of this species. The observed differences between populations are discussed with reference to evolved adaptations to aridity and the past evolutionary radiations of the species.

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Eva-Hajnalka Kovacs and Istvan Sas // North-Western Journal of Zoology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2009, pp.206-208
Larvae of Epidalea (Bufo) viridis showing cannibalistic behaviour were observed in June 2006 in a pond from Oradea city, western Romania. This is the first record of such behaviour in the country and probably was induced by the scarcity of food and the high density of larvae present in the rapidly drying pond in which they occurred.
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Borkin L.J., Caune I.A., Pisanetz E.M. and Rozanov Y.M. // Studies in Herpetology. Prague, 1986. pp. 137 - 142

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