По материалам зоолога Ю.Ф. Сапоженкова (113 животных из 11 точек Костромской области) рассмотрены особенности экологии и распространения вида. Фенология ящерицы типична для северной части ареала и близка к таковой в Пермской области. Ящерицы из Костромской области более крупные и относительно более короткохвостые, чем в других частях ареала. В их популяции большое место занимают взрослые особи, среди наиболее крупных – самки. Отмечена относительно слабая интенсивность размножения (5.77±0.37, n = 26 развивающихся яиц на самку) и значительная гибель эмбрионов (2.12 % от числа эмбрионов). В питании преобладают пауки. Получены математические выражения для связи длины тела и длины хвоста, а также для зависимости числа развивающихся яиц от размеров самки
Наша флора и фауна № 67, 2014
Епланова Г.В. // Теоретические проблемы экологии и эволюции. Теория ареалов: виды, сообщества, экосистемы (V Любищевские чтения)/ Под ред. Чл.-корр. Г.С. Розенберга и проф. С.В.Саксонова. Тольятти: Кассандра, 2010. – С. 41–44.
В работе представлены данные по биотопическому распределению и численности живородящей ящерицы Zootoca vivipara в Среднем Поволжье. Приведены результаты учета численности и плотности живородящей ящерицы пойменного и остепненного лугов (Пензенская обл. и Мордовия). Дана подробная геоботаническая характеристика этих биотопов.
В работе представлены характеристики репродуктивной биологии живородящей ящерицы из Среднего Поволжья. Показано, что в Среднем Поволжье живородящая ящерица имеет ранние сроки яйцеживорождения и короткий период беременности по сравнению с другими регионами. Отмечено длительное по времени пребывание новорожденных в яйцевых оболочках. Плодовитость живородящих ящериц достоверно больше или не отличается от таковой из других частей ареала. В Среднем Поволжье новорожденные живородящей ящерицы отличаются меньшей массой, по сравнению с детенышами из популяций, расположеннных северней, и меньшей длиной тела по сравнению с детенышами из северных и восточных частей ареала
В работе представлены характеристики репродуктивной биологии живородящей ящерицы Zootoca vivipara из популяций Пермского края. У самок живородящей ящерицы длина и масса тела положительно коррелируют с плодовитостью. В процессе яйцеживорождения отмечено длительное (до 2 суток) пребывание новорожденных в яйцевых оболочках. Сравнение полученных данных с опубликованными показало, что плодовитость живородящей ящерицы уменьшается, а размеры новорожденных увеличиваются по направлению к северной границе ареала в европейской части России.
The evolution of viviparity in squamates has been the focus of much scientific attention in previous years. In particular, the possibility of the transition from viviparity back to oviparity has been the subject of a vigorous debate. Some studies have suggested this reversal is more frequent than previously thought. However, none of them provide conclusive evidence. We investigated this problem by studying the phylogenetic relationships between oviparous and viviparous lineages of the reproductively bimodal lizard species Zootoca vivipara. Our results show that viviparous populations are not monophyletic, and that several evolutionary transitions in parity mode have occurred. The most parsimonious scenario involves a single origin of viviparity followed by a reversal back to oviparity. This is the first study with a strongly supported phylogenetic framework supporting a transition from viviparity to oviparity.
Evgeny S. Roitberg, Valentina N. Kuranova, Nina A. Bulakhova, Valentina F. Orlova, Galina V. Eplanova, Oleksandr I. Zinenko, Regina R. Shamgunova, Sylvia Hofmann and Vladimir A. Yakovlev // Evol Biol (2013) 40:420–438
The European common lizard, Zootoca vivipara, is the most widespread terrestrial reptile in the world. It occupies almost the entire Northern Eurasia and includes four viviparous and two oviparous lineages. We analysed how female snout-vent length (SVL), clutch size (CS), hatchling mass (HM), and relative clutch mass (RCM) is associated with the reproductive mode and climate throughout the species range and across the evolutionary lineages within Z. vivipara. The studied variables were scored for 1,280 females and over 3,000 hatchlings from 44 geographically distinct study samples. Across the species range, SVL of reproductive females tends to decrease in less continental climates, whereas CS corrected for female SVL and RCM tend to decrease in climates with cool summer. Both relationships are likely to indicate direct phenotypic responses to climate. For viviparous lineages, the pattern of co-variation between female SVL, CS and HM among populations is similar to that between individual females within populations. Consistent with the hypothesis that female reproductive output is constrained by her body volume, the oviparous clade with shortest retention of eggs in utero showed highest HM, the oviparous clade with longer egg retention showed lower HM, and clades with the longest egg retention (viviparous forms) had lowest HM. Viviparous populations exhibited distinctly lower HM than the other European lacertids of similar female SVL,many of themalso displaying unusually high RCM. This pattern is consistent with Winkler and Wallin’s model predicting a negative evolutionary link between the total reproductive investment and allocation to individual offspring.
The intraspecific variation of preferred temperatures (Tp) was analysed in an oviparous population of Lacerta vivipara and compared with viviparous populations. Lizards collected in central Pyrenees were exposed to a thermal gradient and Tp was measured at four time intervals. Tp was strongly dependent on lizard condition (males > non-pregnant females > pregnant females = immatures) and more weakly with time of day (early morning > mid-day). Individual females increased their Tp after egg-laying. Class-by-class comparisons did not reveal substantial differences with viviparous populations as expected for the thermal rigidity hypothesis. Nevertheless, on a short time scale, Tp should be interpreted as a compromise between different selective pressures including not only thermal environment but also reproductive condition and energy allocation.
According to a hypothesis of the evolution of viviparity the lacertid lizard Zootoca vivipara, rare relict oviparous populations of the species might occur in southern-eastern part of its distribution area. Such a hypothesis has been verifed by comparing the karyotype, chromosome structure, and reproductive modality of three populations of south-eastern part of Russia, including Altai and neighbouring regions, where small territories remained isolated during the Pleistocene cooling and where Pleistocenic fossils of Z. vivipara have been found. Te chromosomal study was carried out byconventional staining method and banding methods, namely C-banding and sequential staining of C-banding+ fuorochromes, CMA3 and DAPI. All studied females displayed viviparous reproductive modality and showed a karyotype of 2N = 35 acrocentric chromosomes, with a Z1Z2W sex chromosome system. Chromosome W was subtelocentric. No inter-population variability on karyotype and heterochromatin distribution and composition was observed. From the obtained data the three studied south-eastern Russian viviparous populations belong to the Russian viviparous form of Z. v. vivipara.
We sampled seven populations of Zootoca vivipara from Central Europe (6 Austrian, 1 German) and found several chromosomal forms inhabiting this region: (1) oviparous Z.v. carniolica, (2) ovoviviparous form from Hungary and southern Austria with the same karyotypic characters, (3) ovoviviparous western form, and (4) ovoviviparous form in the NE Alps including the type locality, which is caryologically similar to the NE Austrian Pannonian lowland populations and the ovoviviparous Russian form. Austria is characterized by high chromosomal diversity in Z. vivipara, housing 3 different ovoviviparous chromosomal forms plus an oviparous one. Together with other data sets, our results corroborate the hypothesis of a multiple origin of viviparity in this species.