Категория: Паразитофауна амфибий и рептилий
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Hikmet S. Yildirimhan, Cherles R. Bursey and Stephen R. Goldberg // Comp. Parasitol. 74(2), 2007, pp. 343–354

Twenty-one grass snakes, Natrix natrix, and 24 dice snakes, Natrix tessellata, from Turkey were examined for helminths. Natrix natrix harbored 5 species of Digenea: Astiotrema monticelli, Encyclometra colubrimurorum, Macrodera longicollis, Paralepoderma cloacicola, and Telorchis assula; 2 species of Cestoda: Ophiotaenia europaea and Spirometra erinaceieuropae; and 2 species of Nematoda: Rhabdias fuscovenosa and larvae of Eustrongylides excisus. Natrix tessellata snakes harbored 1 species of Digenea, Telorchis assula; 1 species of Cestoda, Ophiotaenia europaea; and 2 species of Nematoda, Rhabdias fuscovenosa and larvae of Eustrongylides excisus. Turkey is a new locality record for A. monticelli, P. cloacicola, T. assula, O. europaea, S. erinaceieuropae, larvae of E. excisus and R. fuscovenosa.

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Merilä, J. & M. Sterner // Ann. zool. Fennici 39 (2002): 343 - 346
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Serdar Dusen and Mehmet Oz // Comp. Parasitol. 73(1), 2006, pp. 121–129

Marsh frogs (Rana ridibunda) were collected in Antalya province, southwestern Turkey, during 2001 and 2002 and examined for helminths. Of 258 frogs, 235 (91.1%) were infected with 1 or more helminths. The helminth fauna of R. ridibunda comprised 16 species: 10 species of trematodes (Codonocephalus urnigerus [metacercariae], Diplodiscus subclavatus, Gorgodera cygnoides, Gorgoderina vitelliloba, Pleurogenoides medians, Prosotocus confusus, Brachycoelium salamandrae, Haematoloechus breviansa, Encyclometra colubrimurorum [metacercariae], and Opisthioglyphe ranae), 5 species of nematodes (Rhabdias bufonis, Cosmocerca commutata, Neoxysomatium sp., Eustrongylides sp., and Abbreviata sp. [larvae]), and the acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus ranae. Encyclometra colubrimurorum (metacercariae), B. salamandrae, Neoxysomatium sp, Eustrongylides sp., and larval Abbreviata sp. represent new host records for R. ridibunda in Turkey

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Борисова В.И. // Наземные и водные экосистемы: Межвуз. сб. – Горький: Горьковский ГУ, 1980. – С. 115 – 120.
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Igor Chikhlyaev and Alexander Ruchin // Acta Parasitologica, 2014, 59 (3), 459–471

In this paper we considered information on the helminth fauna of the European common brown frog (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) from 10 regions of the Volga basin. This study includes consolidated data of different authors over the last 30 years, supplemented by the results of our own research. There are reliably known finds of 29 species of helminths: Monogenea – 1, Trematoda – 21, Nematoda – 7. Trematodes Gorgodera asiaticaPigulevsky, 1945, Paralepoderma cloacicola (Luhe, 1909), mtc. and nematodes Icosiella neglecta (Diesing, 1851) were observed for the first time in a given host on the territory of Russia and the Volga Basin. Six species of worms make the basis of helminth fauna: nematodes Rhabdias bufonis, Oswaldocruzia filiformis, Neoxysomatium brevicaudatumand Cosmocerca ornata, trematode Haplometra cylindraceaand monogenea Polystoma integerrimum. These six species are the most common and widespread parasites of the brown frog. For each species of helminths there is the following information included: taxonomic position, localization, area of detection, biology, definitive hosts, geographic distribution, the degree of host-specificity.

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