Категория: Литература по пресмыкающимся
folder_green0Круглоголовки, род Phrynocephalus
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Файлы: 39
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Файлы: 22
folder_green2Веретеница ломкая Аnguis fragilis
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Файлы: 42
folder_green3Разноцветная ящурка Eremias arguta
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Файлы: 20
folder_green4Ящерица прыткая Lacerta agilis
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Файлы: 51
folder_green5Ящерица живородящая Zootoca vivipara
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Файлы: 50
folder_green6Медянка Coronella austriaca
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Файлы: 11
folder_green7Узорчатый полоз Elaphe dione
Подкатегории: 0
Файлы: 11
folder_green8Уж обыкновенный Natrix natrix
Подкатегории: 0
Файлы: 46
folder_green9Уж водяной Natrix tessellata
Подкатегории: 0
Файлы: 15
folder_green10Гадюка обыкновенная Vipera berus
Подкатегории: 0
Файлы: 97
folder_green11Восточная степная гадюка Vipera renardi
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Файлы: 23
Downloads: 91
D. Guicking, R. Lawson, U. Joger and M. Wink // Biological Journal of the Linnean Society Volume 87(2006) , Issue 1, pages 127–143

Some aspects of the natural history of snakes of the colubrid genus Natrix have been well studied. With their extensive European distribution and relative abundance, their ecology, reproduction and behaviour are well known. Yet other facets of their biology remain poorly understood. These include knowledge of Natrix phylogeny, hypotheses explaining the current distribution of the three extant members of the genus, and their evolution and relationships. In this study we used molecular data, the nucleotide sequences of four protein-coding mitochondrial genes (3806 bp total), to provide a well-supported phylogeny for the genus  Natrix . With these molecular data, evidence from the fossil record, and knowledge of palaeogeological events, we used two approaches in designing a time scale which we usedto date the major events in Natrix speciation and intraspecific variation. Our data strongly support a phylogeny for the genus in which N. maura is basal with N. natrix and N. tessellata being sister species. The calibrated molecular clock suggests that N. mauraN. natrix and N. tessellata diverged 13–22 mya. Although the ranges of these estimates are large they support an early Miocene to late Oligocene origin for the three species. Intraspecific divergence is estimated to have commenced 5.3, 6.0 and 6.7 mya with evolutionary rates of 1 : 1.25 : 1.35% per million years for N. maura, N. natrix and N. tessellata, diverged from the common ancestor of the three species 18–27 mya and that respectively.

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