Ляпков C. М, Корнилова М. Б, Северцов А. С. // Зоол. журн. Т. 81, № 6. 2002. С. 719 - 733.
На основе многолетних исследований размножения самок Rana temporaria описаны компоненты внутрипопуляционной изменчивости размеров их тела и репродуктивных признаков, а также оценена структура связей между ними. Принадлежность особей к определенному поколению определялась с помощью скелетохронологии. В пределах каждого поколения с возрастом увеличивались длина тела самки, плодовитость и размер яиц, но не репродуктивное усилие и относительная масса кладки. Как размер тела, так и возраст лягушек положительно и достоверно коррелировали с их плодовитостью и размером яиц. Как показал анализ главных компонент, каждый признак (за исключением репродуктивного усилия, на которое сильно влияет плодовитость) изменялся независимо. Связь между отдельными парами признаков демонстрировала такую же относительную независимость. Более слабая связь относительной массы кладки с возрастом (по сравнению с другими признаками), межпоколенной и годовой изменчивостью обусловлена максимальным вкладом самок в каждое размножение. Последний признак слабо коррелирует с возрастом и размером самок.
Песков В. Н., Коцержинская И. М., Манило В. В., Писанец Е. М. // Vestnik zoologii, 38(6): 29–40, 2004
Предложена дифференциация бурых лягушек фауны Украины по совокупности морфологических признаков. Установлен факт конвергентного сходства бурых лягушек Закарпатья. Проанализированы кариотипы R. temporaria и R. dalmatina и всех форм R. arvalis. Предложены диагностические функции, позволяющие со 100%-ной вероятностью определять особей всех трех видов.
Ruslan V. Novitsky // Advances in Amphibian Research in the Former Soviet Union, vol .1: 91 - 108, 1996
Phenetic characteristics involving dorsal coloration and pattern were studied in populations of the Common Frog (Rana temporaria) from 12 disricts in Byelorussia. Ecological and biogeographical characteristics of the different brown frog phenotypes are discussed.
Вершинин В. Л., Вершинина С. Д., Трофимов А. Г., Буракова А. В. // Экология, 2018, № 3, с. 239–242
Marc Sztatecsny, Doris Preininger, Anita Freudmann, Matthias-Claudio Loretto, FranziskaMaier & Walter Hödl // Behav Ecol Sociobiol (2012) 66:1587–1593
Conspicuous male colouration is expected to have evolved primarily through selection by female choice. In what way conspicuous colours could be advantageous to males scrambling for mates remains largely unknown. The moor frog (Rana arvalis) belongs to the so-called explosive breeders in which spawning period is short; intrasexual competition is strong, and males actively search and scramble for females. During breeding, male body colouration changes from a dull brown (similar to females) to a conspicuous blue, and we wanted to test if male blueness influences mating success or facilitates male mate recognition. To do so, we first measured the colour of mated and non-mated males using a spectrophotometer. In an experiment, we then analysed interactions of actual male moor frogs in natural spawning aggregations with a brown (resembling a female or a non-breeding male) and a blue model frog. Mated and non-mated males did not differ in colouration, suggesting that female choice based on colour traits was unlikely. In our behavioural experiment, male moor frogs spent significantly more time in contact and in amplexus with the brown model than with the blue model. Our results suggest that the nuptial colouration in moor frogs can act as a new type of visual signal in anurans evolved to promote instantaneous mate recognition allowing males to quickly move between rivals while scrambling for females.
Josef Brzoska, Wolfgang Walkowiak, and Hans Schneider // J. comp. Physiol. 118, 173-186 (1977)
1. The grass frog's vocal repertoire includes mating and territorial calls, as well as release and warning calls. These may be distinguished by differences in spectral composition, in number of pulses, and in pulse repetition rate.
2. Recording of the responses of neurons in the torus semicircularis has revealed no effects of season or sexual state upon auditory ability. The shape of the auditory thresholds vs. frequency curve is related to body size.
3. Behavioral response thresholds to tones determined by the electrodermal response (i.e., the galvanic skin response) and the neural audiograms demonstrate that the grass frog is sensitive to its various types of calls.
4. The sensitivity of the electrodermal response differs in a characteristic way from the audiograms obtained at the neuronal level. The largest differences occur at the mating call frequencies. The relevance of the call frequency spectrum in intraspecific communication among grass frogs is discussed.
Carolin Dittrich, Melanie Tietje and Mark-Oliver Rödel // Behaviour 2022, 159, 1133–1150.
In explosive breeding frogs, high intrasexual competition between males leads to a sexual coercion ruled mating system, where males presumably evolved preferences for specific female traits. We tested these preferences in the European Common Frog by excluding intrasexual competition. We hypothesized that all males show preferences towards larger female body size, due to higher fecundity. Our results did not show any preference considering female body size, neither in the attempt to amplex a female nor during the formation of pairs. Additionally, we witnessed a high failure rate of male mating attempts, which hints at high mating costs and offers an explanation for the lack of preferences in males. Nonetheless, we observed a non-random mating pattern in successfully formed pairs, where in the absence of size dimorphism females were on average larger than males. This indicates a different mechanism for selection which is independent from male mating preference or scramble competition.
Carolin Dittrich and Mark-Oliver Rödel // R. Soc. Open Sci. 2023, 10: 230742.
Males and females reproductive strategies may differ, potentially leading to sexual conflict. Increased efforts by males (harassment, forced copulation, intimidation) to gain access to females could even negatively affect female survival and thus lead to reproductive failure for both individuals. In anurans, a higher mortality risk of mating females has been reported in explosive breeding species. During these mating events, several males cling to a female, which are mostly unable to get rid of the unwanted males. This can lead to the female’s death. From the literature, it seems that females of explosive breeding frogs have no means to reject unwanted males. Here we describe female mate avoidance behaviours in the European common frog. We observed three female avoidance behaviours, namely ‘rotation’, ‘release call(s)’ and tonic immobility (death feigning). These behaviours were significantly associated with smaller female body size, and smaller females were more successful in escaping amplexus. Tonic immobility as a tactic to avoid mating or male harassment has only been observed in a handful of species and only in one other amphibian. Our observations show that females in explosive breeding frogs may not be as passive and helpless as previously thought.
Markus Krings & Annbritt Reich // The Herpetological Bulletin 137, 2016: 42
M. Kaczmarski and J. M. Kaczmarek // Fragmenta Faunistica 61 (1): 61–64, 2018
Moor frog Rana arvalis is widespread in Poland and its geographic range spans from Central Europe up to Siberia, but any records of albinism are rare in the species. Freshly laid albino spawn of moor frogs was observed during nocturnal fieldwork near the village of Lubosz, north-western Poland, in spring 2016. We noted the further development of eggs, but no albino tadpoles nor metamorphs were found later during the season. Both albinism and transient albinism have been noted in the species, this being the first observation from Poland. Atypical pigmentation impairs cryptic function of body colouring and might affect survival. The observation comes from a large frog population in a relatively undisturbed habitat, and thus it adds to the body of literature concerning the background level of abnormalities in amphibian populations
Емельянова А.А., Николаева Н.Е., Гурская Е.А. // Вестн. ТвГУ. Сер. Биология и экология. 2021. № 3(63). С. 19-38.
На примере серий лягушки травяной из четырех биотопов, характеризующихся разной степенью пространственной изоляции, показана перспективность изучения биохорологической структуры данного вида с применением фенетического подхода. Наиболее детальную характеристику пространственно-генетической структуры можно получить при анализе пятнистости дорзальной поверхности тела. Так же для этих целей возможно использование вариаций таких элементов рисунка покровов тела, как форма межлопаточного пятна и число полос на бедре.
Ибрагимова Д. В., Наконечный Н. В. // Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион. Естественные науки. – 2019. – № 3 (27). – С. 43–54.
Полиморфизм остромордой лягушки в северных широтах Западной Сибири исследован недостаточно. Имеющиеся сведения фрагментарны и не показывают полной картины. Цель настоящего исследования: выявить закономерности в распределении морф в популяциях остромордой лягушки Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа – Югры.
Строкач Н.Н. // Материалы Международного молодежного научного форума «ЛОМОНОСОВ-2019» / Отв. ред. И.А. Алешковский, А.В. Андриянов, Е.А. Антипов. – М: МАКС Пресс, 2019.
Кузнецов Б.А. // Русский гидробиологический журнал. Том V, №1 - 2. 1926. (Январь-Февраль). С. 26 - 30
Банников А. Г. // Сборник научных студенческих работ МГУ. Зоология. М., 1940. Вып. XVI. С. 41–64.
Вопросом зимовки амфибий у нас до сего времени почти никто не занимался и мне неизвестны русские работы, кроме работы Быховского и Фурсенко (1929), освещающие этот интересный момент жизни амфибий. Это побудило меня подобрать имеющийся в моем распоряжении наблюдения за 1933 - 1936 гг. и в 1938 - 1939 г. специально заняться изучением зимовок Rana temporaria L., как наиболее многочисленного и наиболее широко распространенного у нас вида амфибий.