Категория: Литература по земноводным
folder_green0Сибирский углозуб Salamandrella keyserlingii
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Файлы: 34
folder_green1Тритоны Lissotriton vulgaris и Triturus cristatus
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folder_green2Краснобрюхая жерлянка Bombina bombina
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folder_green3Обыкновенная чесночница Pelobates fuscus
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folder_green4Обыкновенная жаба Bufo bufo
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folder_green5Зеленая жаба Bufotes viridis
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folder_green6Обыкновенная квакша Hyla arborea
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folder_green7Бурые лягушки Rana arvalis и Rana temporaria
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Боркин Л.Я., Безман-Мосейко О.C. и Литвинчук С.Н. // Труды Зоологического института РАН. Том 316, No 4, 2012, c. 324–343
В статье представлен новый подход к оценке морфологических аномалий в природных популяциях амфибий. Для различения обычной (фоновой) и массовой встречаемости предлагается принять порог в 5% аномальных особей в выборке (рекомендуемый объем выборки не менее 100 особей). Разработана система количественной оценки, которая включает три группы статистических показателей, позволяющих описать встречаемость аномальных особей и аномалий, а также разнообразие аномалий в природных популяциях. Это – встречаемость аномальных особей (Pas), встречаемость самих аномалий (A), в том числе парциальная (Ap) и относительная (Ar), спектр аномалий (Sa), в том числе индивидуальный (Sai) и общий (Sap), показатели μ и h Л.В. Животовского (1980). Анализируются также подходы к измерению сочетанности разных аномалий и перекрывания по спектру аномалий (индексы Мориситы и Чекановского–Сёренсена). Обсуждаются некоторые методические проблемы, влияющие на оценку аномалий (объем выборки, возрастные группы, классификация аномалий и синдромное проявление аномалий).
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Боркин Л.Я. // Экология и фаунистика амфибий и рептилий СССР и сопред. стран. Л,1984.: 55-88.
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Маркус Вольф. Фотографии Золвин Цанкл // GEO 04/2011. С. 120 - 135

Таинственный убийца земноводных, обнаруженный более десяти лет назад, продолжает свирепствовать, задавая науке новые загадки. Его следы ищут по всему миру.
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Аднагулов Э.В., Ярцев В.В. // Вестн. Том. гос. ун-та. Биология. 2012. № 3 (19). С. 92 - 99

Приведены результаты полевых наблюдений за половым поведением самцов приморского углозуба Salamandrella tridactyla в окрестностях г. Хабаровска.«Брачные танцы» самцов и икрометание данного вида сходны с таковыми у сибирского углозуба. Отмечено «токование» самца на недавно отложенной кладке икры, которому могло предшествовать осеменение. Зарегистрировано групповое осеменение кладки икры с участием девяти самцов в отсутствие самки.

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Wielstra B., Litvinchuk S.N., Naumov B., Tzankov N., Arntzen J.W. // Zootaxa (2013) 3682(3): 441-453

We present a taxonomic revision of the crested newt Triturus karelinii sensu lato. Based on the presence of discrete nuclear DNA gene pools, deep genetic divergence of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, and no indication of gene flow, we interpret this taxon as comprising two species: one covering the southern Caspian Sea shore, the Caucasus and the Crimea, i.e. the eastern part of the total range and another covering northern Asiatic Turkey and western Asiatic Turkey plus the south-eastern Balkan Peninsula, i.e. the central and western part of the total range. We acknowledge that the central/western species should likely be further subdivided in to a central and a western taxon, but we prefer to await a more detailed genetic analysis of the putative contact zone, positioned in northwestern Asiatic Turkey. The name T. karelinii (Strauch, 1870) applies to the eastern species as the type locality is positioned along the coast of the Gulf of Gorgan, Iran. The name T.arntzeni has been applied to the central/western species with Vrtova, Serbia as the type locality. We show that not T. karelinii sensu lato but T. macedonicus occurs at Vrtova. Hence, the name T. arntzeni Litvinchuk, Borkin, Džuki and Kalezi, 1999 (in Litvinchuk et al., 1999) is a junior synonym of T. macedonicus (Karaman, 1922) and should not be used for the central/western species. We propose the name T. ivanbureschi sp. nov. for the central/western species and provide a formal species description.

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S. N. Litvinchuk, V. I. Kazakov, R. A. Pasynkova, L. J. Borkin, V. N. Kuranova, J. M. Rosanov // Russian Journal of Herpetology Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010, pp. 290 – 298

Tetraploid green toad, Bufo pewzowi Bedriaga, 1898 was found in Altay Republic. This is the first record of the species for Siberia and Russia in general. The distribution of diploid and tetraploid toads in Siberia and adjacent territories of eastern Kazakhstan and north-western China is outlined. Bufo pewzowi is recommended to list in the Red Data Book of Russian Federation and in regional Red Data Book of Altay Republic.

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Litvinchuk S.N., Borkin L.J., Rozanov J.M., Skorinov D.V., Khalturin M.D., Dzukic G, Kalezic M.L. and Mazanaeva L.F. // Herpetologica Petropolitana. Proc. of the 12th Ord. Gen.Meeting Soc. Eur. Herpetol., August 12 – 16, 2003, St. Petersburg, 57- 60 pp.
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Josh Van Buskir // Evolution, 56(2), 2002, pp. 361–370

The hypothesis that predator-induced defenses in anuran larvae are maintained by divergent selection across multiple predation environments has not been fully supported by empirical results. One reason may be that traits that respond slowly to environmental variation experience a fitness cost not incorporated in the standard adaptive model, due to a time lag between detecting the state of the environment and expressing the phenotypic response. I measured the rate at which behavior and morphology of Rana temporaria tadpoles change when confronted with a switch in the predation environment at two points in development. Hatchling tadpoles that had been exposed during the egg stage to Aeshna dragonfly larvae were not phenotypically different from those exposed as eggs to predator-free conditions, and both responded similarly to post-hatching predator treatments. When 25-day-old tadpoles from treatments with and without dragonflies were subjected to a switch in the environment, their activity budgets reversed completely within 24–36 h, and their body and tail shape began changing significantly within 4 days. The behavioral response was conservative: Tadpoles switched from high-risk to predator-free treatments were slower to adjust their activity. The study confirmed that behavioral traits are relatively labile and exhibit strong plasticity, but it did not reveal such a pattern at the level of individual traits: Morphological traits that developed slowly did not show the least plasticity. Thus, I found that differences in lability of traits were useful for predicting the magnitude of plasticity only for fundamentally different kinds of characters.

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Jing Che, Junfeng Pang, Hui Zhao, Guan-fu Wu, Er-mi Zhao, Ya-ping Zhang // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 43 (2007) 1–13

Phylogenetic relationships among representative species of the subfamily Raninae were investigated using approximately 2000 base pairs of DNA sequences from two mitochondrial (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA) and two nuclear (tyrosinase, rhodopsin) genes. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using maximum parsimony, Bayesian, and maximum likelihood analyses. Comparison between the nuclear and mitochondrial Wndings suggested that our Wnal combined data has higher resolving power than the separate data sets. The tribes Stauroini and Ranini formed a sistergroup relationship, and within Ranini, ten major clades were consistently resolved among all analyses based on the Wnal combined data, although the phylogenetic relationships among the ten clades were not well resolved. Our result refuted several previous taxonomic divisions: the genus Pseudoamolops was invalid, and the monophyly of the genera Amolops and Rana were not supported. We suggest elevating Raninae to familial status, and recognizing within the family, at least twelve genera including Staurois, Meristogenys, Clinotarsus, Amolops, Hylarana, Babina, Odorrana, Pseudorana, Rana, Lithobates, Glandirana, and Pelophylax. A broader sampling of species and data from more molecular markers are needed to conWdently resolve the phylogenetic relationships among Ranidae.

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Jean-Matthieu Monnet and Michael I. Cherry //Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (2002) 269, 2301–2307
Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the direction and extent of sexual size dimorphism in anurans (in which males are usually smaller than females) as a result of sexual selection. Here, we present an analysis to test the hypothesis that sexual dimorphism in anurans is largely a function of differences between the sexes in life-history strategies. Morphological and demographic data for anurans were collected from the literature, and the mean size and age in each sex were calculated for 51 populations, across 30 species and eight genera. Comparisons across 14 Rana species, eight Bufo species and across the genera showed a highly significant relationship between size dimorphism, measured using the female–male size ratio, and mean female–male age difference. A comparison of a subset of 17 of these species for which phylogenetic information was available, using the method of independent contrasts, yielded a similar result. These results indicate that most of the variation in size dimorphism in the anura can be explained in terms of differences in the age structure between the sexes in breeding populations. If sexual selection has an effect on size dimorphism in anurans, it is likely to be only a secondary one.
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Alain Dubois & Jean Raffaëlli //Alytes, 2009, 26 (1-4): 1-85.

Several recent studies, particularly dealing with molecular phylogeny, have improved our knowledge of the relationships within the salamander family Salamandridae. However, some only of these findings have resulted in formal taxonomic changes. In order to homogenize this taxonomy, we hereby recognize several new taxa at various ranks from subfamily to subspecies, and we propose a new comprehensive ergotaxonomy and nomenclature for the whole family. We also discuss some general questions of taxonomy and nomenclature, in particular regarding the concepts of species and genus, the use of taxonomic categories and nomenclatural ranks in taxonomy, the relationships between taxonomy and conservation biology, the various modes of definition of taxa (including diagnoses and cladognoses), the structure and length of scientific nomina, the status of online databases providing taxonomic and nomenclatural data, the designation of nucleospecies of nominal genera and the nomenclatural status of various nomina.

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